Website Zeitarbeit International

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Specialisation: Quality control and industrial IT, project management and CAD design

1. professional profile

Sahil M. is an experienced engineer in the field of electromechanics and automation systems with extensive knowledge in quality assurance and maintenance of industrial systems. He has a solid education in engineering, specialising in industrial automation and electromechanics, and has gained professional experience in various companies in Morocco. His expertise extends to the automation and maintenance of production systems, making him a valuable candidate for technical positions.

2. professional experience

  • Electromechanics of automated systems at Fedlaoui Group (August 2018 - June 2022, Mohammedia, Morocco):
    • Maintenance and optimisation of automated systems in production.
    • Carrying out quality assurance measures and monitoring the efficiency of production systems.
  • Internship at Altran (February 2018 - June 2018, Casablanca, Morocco):
    • Work on projects in the field of industrial automation and electromechanics.
  • Internship at Cablisys (July 2017 - August 2017, Casablanca, Morocco):
    • Support in the implementation and maintenance of electrical systems in industry.
  • Internship at Lesieur Cristal (May 2014, Casablanca, Morocco):
    • Carrying out maintenance work and quality assurance measures in the production area.
  • Internship at the State Office for Electricity (March 2013 - April 2013, Mohammedia, Morocco):
    • Carrying out technical inspections and maintenance work on electrical systems.
  • Internship at AMCOR (February 2012 - March 2012, Mohammedia, Morocco):
    • Support in the maintenance and optimisation of electromechanical systems.

3. education

  • Master's degree in Sciences, Technologies, Health at the University of Bretagne-Sud, France (2017-2018):
    • Study programme: Information and Communication Technologies.
    • Specialisation: Electrical engineering and industrial computer science.
  • Specialised Master in Engineering at the IGA High Institute of Applied Engineering Sciences, Morocco (2017-2018):
    • Specialisation: Engineering for automated systems and quality control.
  • Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering and Automation of Industrial Systems at the University Hassan II, Morocco (2013-2014).
  • University degree in electrical engineering at the University of Hassan the First, Morocco (2012-2013).

4. technical skills

  • Software knowledgeMS Project, Catia V5, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel).
  • ExpertiseAutomation of industrial systems, electromechanics, quality assurance.

5. language skills

  • GermanB1/B2.
  • FrenchC1/B1.
  • English: B2.
  • Arabic: Mother tongue.

6. strengths

  • Technical expertiseExtensive experience in the maintenance and optimisation of automated industrial systems.
  • Language diversityKnowledge of German, French and English, which qualifies him for international labour markets.
  • Experience in quality assuranceImplementation of quality assurance measures to improve the efficiency of industrial systems.

7. suitability for the German labour market

Sahil M. has a strong technical education and practical experience in the field of electromechanics and automation systems, which makes him a valuable candidate for the German labour market. He could play a particularly important role in the areas of industrial automation and quality assurance. 

Are you interested in this applicant profile? Send us a non-binding enquiry by Mail or via the Contact form. We offer Recruitment of engineers from abroad, Temporary employment,  Work contracts, service contracts.

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